Shine Free in 2021

Your Path to Self Discovery.

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Be Bold, Be Feisty, Be Fabulous Darlings. 


The Peacock offers lessons about self-love, honor, integrity and the importance of facing life’s challenges as well as the unknown with courage and confidence.  

When the Peacock struts gracefully into your life you are entering a time of rebirth!

Are you ready for a new beginning?

Are you ready to invest in you?

2021 is not about passively waiting for things to get better.  It is not an option to wait for the external to become what you want it to be.   In 2021, don’t hope for light… Be the light!  If enough people do that, this world will be what you want it to be.    

So, we must find your light first!

In this 8 week journey we will find your inner light, so you can shine in your own way and Shine FREE!

You will come out of this two month experience feeling lighter, stronger, braver and prouder of who YOU are!

Whether you are trying to find a new career or just wanting personal happiness - this journey will set you up for success!  Success at living the life you want to live!

Have you been searching for something, but don’t know what you are searching for?  Do you feel like something is missing? Have you read all the self help books, listened to motivational podcasts, gone to workshops, but still aren’t content?

Let me help!

I am an intuitive healer and when I work on you, I see you … I really see you.  

Whether in person or virtually, I can read your energy.  I can see energetic blocks.  I can see past trauma.  I see your inner child.  I see your past lives.

During this 8 week transformation, we will go through all of this.  It is all about becoming self aware and re-discovering yourself!  

We will break through stuck and stagnant energy.  We will bring out the beautiful soul you know is inside of you.  You will become so confident with the gifts only you have.  You will remember your true heart’s desires!

Here is what you will receive:

  • A workbook for your 8 weeks. This workbook will have activities that will help you dive deeper into who you are and why you are the way you are.

  • Your own personal Numerology Chart. This Numerology Chart in itself is a crucial guide to discover your future, life purpose and destiny!

  • A session with my friend and astrologer DK Brainard!!  I am so excited to be able to offer this to you!  He will give you your personal natal chart reading.  DK is an awesome soul and an outstanding astrologer.  I had a Natal Chart Reading with him and I still go back and listen to it today. I can’t even explain to you how much insight he gave me from this one reading.  His focus is on helping you understand your purpose for incarnating in this lifetime.  Not only will you become more aware of your gifts, you will also become aware of the challenges you agreed to take on in this lifetime AND how to overcome them.  He’ll send you a recording of the reading via email because you will definitely go back to it and find additional layers of meaning every time.

  • 4 One Hour in person sessions with me

  • 3 One Hour phone calls with me.  

  • A Two Month membership to Shine Free’s Safe Space! You can read more about that here.

Here is the schedule:

Week 1: an in person or virtual Full One Hour Intuitive Healing Session from me.  I will see what is blocked and what we need to get working on right away.  

Week 2: An hour in person or virtual Inner Child Healing.  This healing is extremely powerful and crucial to finding yourself.

Week 3: An hour call with me to answer any questions and see how you are doing with your workbook.  I will check your energy centers and give you a tarot reading. 

Week 4: Your natal chart reading with DK!

Week 5: Another hour call to go over your reading with DK.  Answer any questions.  I will again scan your energy centers and see what needs worked on as well as do another tarot spread. 

Week 6: An hour in person or virtual Intuitive Healing Session where we will go into a past life of yours and see how the trauma from it is affecting you today. 

Week 7: Our final hour in person Intuitive Healing Session.  We will continue to clear and recenter you.  I am so excited to see your progress!

Week 8: Our final hour call to check your progress, scan energy and send you off Shining FREE


Are you ready to say yes to you?!  

Are you ready to do inner work and uncover YOU?  

Have there been parts of yourself that you have consciously or unconsciously disowned because you thought they were negative?

Often times these are positive qualities we hide away, but you thought they were negative because of how others around you responded to you.  Were you too loud as a child?  Too talkative?  Too funny?  Too confident?

Did you deny certain aspects of yourself to get love from your family?

Maybe you were not allowed to feel anger in your family or at school?  Did you push anger so far down that you actually believe you are easy going? Has your anger been coming out in passive aggressive ways?

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Or him!

*Warning:  Self awareness is hard because it will bring up the feeling of rejection you felt from your family, your teachers, a romantic relationship even friendships.  

I am here to help you see ALL OF YOU.  Subconscious and conscious parts.  

This is your opportunity to bring out any and all aspects of yourself that you have denied or disowned.  It is time to confront your shadow.  Because if not, it will keep chasing you until you do.  

This is truly your key to a FREE life.  And I want you to Shine FREE!!!

Are you going to open that door? 

Are you going to take back your power and love and OWN all aspects of you?!

Let’s use that spirit of the peacock to awaken you and allow your confidence to SHINE like the peacock does so proudly. 

You will be able to recognize patterns in the past that may have served you then, but no longer serve you now. Authenticity is key and you will begin living a life aligned with your inner spirit and truest self!

Trust your judgement. Does this sounds right for you?

Are you ready to learn from the past and carry those lessons into the future with experience and wisdom?

Do you do things in life that you don’t understand why you do them?  Do you have patterns you repeat over and over? Are you plagued with doubt, constantly replaying uncomfortable situations over and over again in your head? Release yourself from your insecurities and let’s figure out what is really bothering you!

Do you feel like your schedule is packed and you have no time to reflect and make beneficial changes?

This is why it’s an 8 week commitment.

To force you to take time for you!

To give you the space and time to really tune in and ask your inner voice if what you are doing is feeding your soul.

Are you surrounded by a lot of strong opinions? Have other people’s judgements been weighing on you? This will give you time to listen to what your soul is yearning for! The clarity of your inner voice will cut through all the noise when you give yourself some time!

The Peacock tells you that all things come in perfect timing. The timing for YOU is NOW!