“You were put on this earth to achieve your greatest self, to live out your purpose, and to do it courageously.”

— Steve Maraboli



You know there’s more for you, but you’re unsure how to align with your life purpose. 

Deep down you know you’re meant for something greater, but you don’t know what that is.  

I see the weariness in you and the sadness it brings.

You give so much of yourself, yet feel empty and disconnected.

I see you burying your dreams, telling yourself they’re not as important as they feel.

“Life’s greatest tragedy, and people’s greatest regret in their final days, is that they let fear win. They chose to play it safe rather than live out who they truly are.”

— Cheryl Strayed


You don’t have to struggle any longer. But I get it because I was where you are.

You see, growing up I struggled with anxiety/depression, drank too much to escape my feelings and was scared of everything. Going through my divorce, I had to do a lot of things out of my comfort zone. I had to take a good look at myself and deep down decide what was best for me.  Through it all I stopped hiding and I finally remembered who I really was and what I came here to do.  

And I want to help you do the same.

I am a Reiki Master, Meditation Teacher and Intuitive Coach.  I read your energy and talk with Spirit to deliver you messages that you need to hear.

We all have stories. Too many of us feel alone.  Too many of us hide ourselves from others. I want you to know that you matter. Your voice matters. Your truth matters and you don't have to hide anymore.

Let’s bring your true, authentic self out into the world! Let's reclaim your power, so you can live your life purpose and shine free!


10 years ago I decided to leave my comfortable life as a stay at home mom.  Married with three young kids, I was drained and in an emotionally abusive relationship.  Never feeling good enough, constantly critiqued and unable to do the things I enjoyed - I was miserable. I blame myself for not standing up and putting up stronger boundaries. The only thing I knew to do was to get out. I knew if I didn’t I would physically get ill.  And as much as I wanted to keep my family together for the kids, I now know it is part of their growth and destiny too.  

I stood up against my ex and asked for a divorce.  And I stood up to my Irish/German Catholic family.  Family members disagreed with me, tried to per sway me, didn’t believe me etc.  It was HARD.  However, I found those who supported me, leaned on them and forged ahead.  

But moving out on my own, having my children 70% of the time, and trying to find myself again was a lot. I was intent on still being there for my kids in the same ways I had always been. Being there when they got home from school, trying to make every sporting event and extracurricular activity of theirs and even being the PTO President at their elementary school. To say the least, I was exhausted. I kept going to energy workers, made vision boards, continued to read spiritual and personal growth books and began doing the things I enjoyed again. I was playing golf when I could, bought a bike to ride in my own time, started hanging out with people outside of my comfort zone, began kayaking and realized my love for the outdoors. I slowly began remembering who I was.  And I began going after what I wanted to do.  

I grew up in a spiritual family, was always into the metaphysical since young and had a mystical experience in my early 30’s. I knew down deep I had a calling and it involved helping others and working with Spirit.

But I wouldn’t have been supported following my calling if I would have stayed in my marriage. I wouldn’t have been able to put money into a business I wanted to build.  And I wouldn’t be doing what I’m doing now if I didn’t have the courage to follow my soul’s urge. Now, I want to help you follow your soul’s calling. I want you to remember who you are and why you came to this earth. To fulfill your Divine mission in this lifetime.  

2016 right after I moved out. Too skinny and stressed, but determined to be there for my children and give them and myself the best life possible.

2024. Proud mom, successful healer and business owner, with three amazing humans who continue to shine their brightest.


Expanding into Coaching to help YOU!

I became a Reiki Master between 2015 and 2016.  This completely opened up my intuition. I knew I was intuitive, but now I was seeing deceased loved ones of people to whom I was sending Reiki energy.  This led me to take a nine month intuitive course and by the end of it I decided to open my own business.

In 2017, I began working out of my house, then quickly got office space as my business grew.  After two years in that space, I moved to another space where I also had a conference room to hold classes and an outdoor space where I did Full Moon Rituals. I was there for 5 years and then joined forces with an old high school classmate and we opened a Wellness Center together.  

After working with hundreds of clients over 7 years, I am now expanding into a coaching business.  Offering a 5 week transformational program to help you find your true calling and reclaim your life!


Check out the podcasts and articles below…