I am very excited about this program! I want to share everything I have learned with your child so he/she can be fully self aware and Shine FREE!
In this program you will learn about sensitive individuals who pick up energies from others. You are going to learn sometimes it's not even you who is sad, depressed, anxious - maybe it is someone else's energy you are feeling.
You are going to learn about Shadow Work. That is any part of ourselves we have stuffed away and have been hiding from the world. Good and "bad" qualities.
You are going to learn what it means to project. Projecting is when we recognize and see in others what we have repressed within ourselves.
I am going to teach you how to "dig" for a core belief. These are negative beliefs we have become to believe about ourselves. Then you are going to learn how to manifest new, positive core beliefs.
You are going to learn a powerful inner child meditation and learn how to build your inner child up and give him/her confidence!
Lastly, you will be learning boundaries to guard and protect your personal happiness, integrity, your needs and desires.
Most importantly, you are going to learn how to take responsibility for your own life. You are going to become self aware of your awesomeness, step into your power and learn that your sensitivity is a gift!
Program includes: 5 sessions emailed to your child and you once a week, one personal intuitive healing session for your child OR you with me over the phone. A Facebook group (closed) for your child to belong to for as long as he or she likes! A separate Facebook parent group.
To find the light in the darkness.
To see the light through the illusion of the mess.
To shine that light from within.
Never alone again.
Together we rise, together we shine free!